Eric Peemoeller


8 Races, 2
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2023-06-18 Eric Peemoeller Kelowna M45-49 Conquer the Lake Half Marathon Lake Country 43 29 1:46:17 05:02 21.1
2022-06-19 Eric Peemoeller Kelowna M45-49 Conquer the Lake Half Marathon Lake Country 46 30 2:04:35 05:54 21.1
2013-04-07 Eric Peemoeller Kelowna M35-39 Okanagan College Half Kelowna 26 24 6 1:32:53 04:24 21.1
2012-05-27 Eric Peemoeller Kelowna M35-39 Blackwell Dairy 15k Kamloops 17 17 4 1:08:11 04:32 15.0
2001-05-27 Eric Peemoeller Kamloops M20-29 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 47 39 6 1:16:05 05:04 15.0
1997-05-25 Eric Peemoeller Kamloops M20-29 Blackwell Dairy 15k Barnhartvale 134 91 10 1:23:26 05:33 15.0
1993-05-30 Eric Peemoeller Kamloops M16-19 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 86 66 6 1:14:12 04:56 15.0
1992-05-24 Eric Peemoeller Kamloops M16-19 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 83 71 5 1:12:09 04:48 15.0
Missing or Incorrect Results