Libby O'donnell


8 Races, 1
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
1998-05-31 Libby O'donnell Kamloops F35-39 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 83 22 6 1:13:23 04:53 15.0
1997-05-25 Libby O'donnell Kamloops F30-34 Blackwell Dairy 15k Barnhartvale 64 13 1:10:30 04:42 15.0
1996-05-26 Libby O'donnell Kamloops F30-34 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 79 12 4 1:11:41 04:46 15.0
1993-05-30 Libby O'donnell Kamloops F30-34 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 77 17 10 1:12:20 04:49 15.0
1990-09-23 Libby O'donnell Kamloops F20-29 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 130 24 8 1:40:18 05:08 19.5
1989-09-24 Libby O'donnell Kamloops F20-29 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 94 14 5 1:31:14 04:48 19.0
1989-04-02 Libby O'donnell Kamloops F20-29 Spring Runoff 10K Kamloops 80 13 5 0:45:40 04:34 10.0
1988-07-17 Libby O'donnell Kamloops F20-29 Mid Summer 10k Kelowna 157 33 11 0:48:11 04:49 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results