Lisa Tezram


5 Races, 2
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2023-10-01 Lisa Tezram Kelowna F55-59 Larry Nicholas 8.2K Kelowna 56 26 0:56:29 06:53 8.2
2019-09-29 Lisa Tezram Kelowna F50-54 Summerland Sweets XC 7.4K Summerland 98 33 0:47:10 06:22 7.4
2018-02-11 Lisa Tezram Kelowna F50-54 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 99 45 6 1:03:26 06:20 10.0
2017-02-12 Lisa Tezram Kelowna F45-49 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 84 39 5 1:01:48 06:10 10.0
2013-07-01 Lisa Tezram Kelowna F45-49 Peachland Beach 5k Peachland 125 72 12 0:32:28 06:29 5.0
Missing or Incorrect Results