Teri Bracken


4 Races, 1
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2018-02-11 Teri Bracken Coldstream F40-44 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 68 24 6 0:55:00 05:30 10.0
2017-02-12 Teri Bracken Coldstream F40-44 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 56 20 0:52:58 05:17 10.0
2016-10-23 Teri Bracken Coldstream F40-44 Kal Park 9K Vernon 64 23 5 0:59:56 06:18 9.5
2016-02-14 Teri Bracken Coldstream F40-44 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 97 34 9 0:55:20 05:32 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results